Thursday 15 October 2009

The Big Draw - Update

Thanks to everyone who came down to Arnolfini to participate in the Big Draw on Sat 10 Oct! The day was a huge success, with some fantastic drawings and ideas on the theme of climate change. We'll be doing it all over again on Sat 31 Oct and it's FREE, so come along! There's still time to pick up a postcard from Arnolfini to write or draw your message to Gordon Brown - we'll be posting them off to him at the end of the month.

Monday 5 October 2009

The Big Draw - Your Big Idea

16 Narrow Quay, Bristol, Bristol BS1 4QA
Tel: 0117 917 2300

You are invited to come and draw your Big Ideas for how to fight climate change on our large blackboard wall in the foyer of Arnolfini, with the help of Michelle, our resident illustrator. You can also tell Gordon Brown your Big Idea for the Copenhagen climate change conference by drawing him a postcard.

All ages
This event is open to the public
Dates:October 10, 31
12:00 - 18:00

I've seen the future...and it's chalk

I've recently been enlisted to produce the exhibition text and information in chalk on a blackboard wall at Arnolfini in Bristol. This led to another commission, recreating a chalk diagram by Roy Ascott for his exhibition 'After the Net (2.0)' at Peninsula Arts in Plymouth. Both projects were done by using an overhead projector to project the image onto the wall, then tracing over it in chalk. The effect has a really nice aesthetic, particularly with hard-edged digital text softened by the chalk outline. This could be a new direction for my work!